
Thursday, 26 July 2018

Mini Reviews: Romance 2018

So here comes my yearly post on the abundance of romantic-comedies I watch but have very little to say about. You know, its hard to flesh out a review if all you can say is 'it's cute' or 'its funny', but hey, you deserve to know which shows are, right? Expect this post to be updated regularly until the end of the year.

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Kimi wa Petto 2003 VS 2017

Kimi wa Petto is an old favourite of mine - it's a brilliant josei manga about dependence and healing. It's also one of the two manga (I know of) which have been adapted (in the same country) into drama twice. Are either a perfect adaptation? No. Somehow, both dramas manage to feel massively different. I put off the 2017 version for a while, unhappy with the casting, but now I'm watching it I just have to make some comparisons.